Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tagged ??? I'm it !! Say what?

I've been Tagged by Journeii and Kandgoods who are dead wrong for doing this to me because now I have to respond. :) The rules: (1) Link to the person that tagged you. (2) Post the rules on your blog. (3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. (4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. (5) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their 1.) I am 30 something which translates to over 35. I have two boys one that is nine and the other who is five. You have seen their pictures on the site. They are my babies. 2.) I have made procrastination an art form. Please any advice on this would greatly be appreciated. But be warned any advice that is given will be tried at a later date because for me there is always tommorrow. 3.) Believe it or not but I am very shy!! I am introverted and very sensitive.My friends would read this and say girl please. 4.) I eat the same things for lunch everyday. I don't vary! That's a bad quirk I know. I worry about getting sick at work from something I ate. So I only eat hickory smoked tuna or those $0.99 dinners one entre"shrimp and pasta alfredo. Thats it. No I don't try others cuz thats the one I like and I hate to waste my money on a bad meal. I know its a $1.00 but its my lil dollar.( so you know after work I'm starving and I binge you see thats why I am getting curvier.....denial 5.) I over analyze too much!! I need to chill out and go and do some kid stuff. It's hard out here for a single mom/ whatever I got going on with you know who!@#$$%. Ok I gotta tag 6 people. Hmmm!! I will think .... 4 is the best I can do I hope they haven't been tagged yet.

***My sister says I am like a tourist now because I am constantly traveling with this camera. ....