Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Random Shots

My sister says that I can't see my color. She thinks I am colorblind. Ok I can tell I have a color under the light. Well anway the relatives just left to go back to Louisana. Many people are without lights and are discovering damage to their homes. The shelters were filled here. In my sister's neighborhood their were lots of cars with Louisana plates. My mom didn't have any damage to her home but shcool is out until next week. My ex stated that trees fell through the roof of his aunt's home and my sister's entire extended family had to evacuate because they live in Morgan City which was also near the water. Dang as a kid we never left. Never!


Locs2Envy said...

The babies are adorable and I am really loving that fireplace. I can see the color in your hair. It's nice. Sounds like you really wanted to leave NOLA (?). I'm surprised. I visited once (unfortunately it was Katrina time) and I loved it. I love the simplicity of the whole city. I fell in love with the people who lived out of the city, especially those who lived near the swamp areas.

Locs2Envy said...


Here is the requested information about V's color (from my blog)


Here is the information you requested regarding "V's" color:

LOREAL Technique Excellence HI Color for dark hair only; Black box with orange/red and white writing.
She used 30 volume developer with it. Oh yeah, color is #7 : Sizzling Copper.

She says to tell you that you have to post pics after you color.

Penny said...

Got it. I left you a message. Thanks!! You are so sweet!!

Anonymous said...

Thank for sharing the pics. Also, if you're interested in playing along, I just tagged you. Go to my blog for instructions.

Vixen said...

You've been tagged! Please visit my blog to find out what to do.