July 2008
May 2009
(The last time I wore this shirt )
I am simply amazed at how my hair grows or transforms. As a look at other ladies blogs and track their growth and changes I am speechless. Dewdrop,Chosen Vessel, and Knots and Locks and Adoration and so many others that I like... I eagerly anticipate each month to add yet another milestone. It's easy to see the current styles and looks that everyone has but look at where they started. Some pretty and others well .... others that you say I am glad I don't have that problem or glad that your hair don't look like that... Either way...Its a trip... A fun one that is full of discovery. You wake up and discover new stuff that you can do to hair.. You discover hair styles by accident and roll with it...
I have very soft hair so some of ends are curly and do not have that lock feel but no one know but me.. I will have to post some before and after pics of my sisters extremely thick locks...She hasn't cut her ends off though. I will do it for her this summer. I think she is ready. I wanted her to wait one full school year but they need to go...
Happy Sisterlocking or Locking
Your hair has grown so much! This journey is amazing... I seem to fall more in love with my locks as time goes on.
Thanks !! I checked your blog recently because the last time you posted you were at a crossroads... You were contemplating picking your locks out.... I am glad you changed your mind!!! Thanks for stopping by sister....
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