Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Younger Sister's Locks

Last night we went to see Maxwell and Jill Scott.. Great concert.. I sat on a row with random ladies most of which had naturals. One had sisterlocks ( we chatted and found out we get our hair done at the same place Ms. Elaine) and the other next to me with traditional locks( who wants to cut her 2yr locks). Go figure y am I having random conversations with strangers at a Maxwell Jill Scott show. The row above me two fros and one lady with beautiful two strand twists and their was one right above me with long traditional lock. She was telling her friend.. those must be sisterlocks. I turned around and said yep..LOL.. ummm I can hear you

I didn't do a thing. I just washed my hair right before the concert and free styled. I didn't have time to twist etc..

My sister she twisted and curled. Her locks are 31 months.. They are so thick. She recently got them cut and groomed.

Go Texas! Lots of naturals in the building.. but more and more people seem to think I add hair lol


JUST Euphoria said...

I love being recognized as having SL such a great feeling & I can imagine the concert was nice two great performers

V @ Locks-N-Motion said...

Both of you look great, and I love your dress!

The Real Nique said...

Yall look too cute and that dress is great!