Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Big Boy Baby "Daddy's Dreams Part II"

My baby couldnt wait to tell me how it went. I couldn't go and watch. I get nervous for my kids. I don't want them to know what rejection feels like. Today their dad said it was totally packed. All of the professionals were out with their sons and he said they were riding my son because of his height and size. I said he has never played. He is shy. Dad said he did a good job.


knotsnlocks said...

Wow, such a good post as I too am experiencing the whole boys-and-sporting issue. My son, it would appear, is a late starter when it comes to sports. He's on a team where most of the kids have played together since they were 4 (this is a 5-6 yr old team). The coach approached us (dad and I) if HE ever played - no he hadn't. He then told us that he was going to get us a DVD on how to play baseball LOL!!! This was the 1st night of practice. Well, we didn't get it until last week but he gave it to ALL the parents! This sports thing is something else!